Major Reasons For Skin Problems

Itchy skin or scalp, or stomach ache are not to be taken lightly. They are known to be some common health conditions; however, it can also be a result of a parasite that can enter into the body through contaminated food, harmful deodorants and from dirty environment as well. Some such parasites that live on the skin or body or in the hair are: Threadworm and hookworm: These are found in the stomach and can cause stomach ache and liver problem as well. Scabies: They are itchy skin parasites that cause itching on the skin, resulting on rashes. It can be avoided by looking for options such as Where to Buy Activated Charcoal. Head and crab lice: These are found inside the hair and can cause an itchy scalp. Morgellons: The source of this parasite is not yet known; however, it is known to be a deadly disease which has no specific cure yet. It causes itchy, sore skin, thread and fiber like structure on the skin, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, etc. ...